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Stonehenge - The Pub

The best preparation for the English-ABI Every year a few pupils have to solve the problem of the best way to prepare for the English-Abi. First, you probably think learning at home in your room is enough. But be sure that this won't be enough, never! Every teacher will agree with me that the best way of learning is "learning by doing". So you may wish to learn together in groups. But wait one moment and think about result of this session. In the end all members will be drunken, your grey cells will fail and you will fail the Abi. So you need a better way of learning by doing. And we, some members of E-Gk-Mü, are happy and proud to present YOU the solution:
We found Stonhenge! Not the little one on the isle but the famous one in MA, the Irish pub! The ideal place for testing your everyday English and learning Irish. We tested it and we neither lost our grey cells nor failed the Abi. So come and find out. You'll find the best place for speaking English (greetings to the waitresses, especially Sylvia and last but not least Shane and Dave!), drinking beer (greetings to Murphy's in Cork!) and just having a great Crac in the perfect atmosphere. Maybe it sounds to you as we would just go there for drinking lots of pints, but be sure, this one but not the most important reason. Everyone who was there just once will certify you that this pub always worth a visit with or without a pint of course.

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© Benjamin Stritter 2001 Letztes Update:  12.09.2023 Besucher seit dem 01.04.2001: